Wisdom Umanah

Problem statement

The existing process of posting WhatsApp statuses lacks effective mechanisms for error correction post-submission. Users frequently encounter mistakes in their statuses, leading to a negative impact on communication and expression. The absence of user-friendly post-submission editing features limits users' ability to promptly rectify errors or modify their statuses to better align with their intended messages.


Have you ever tried posting a written status on WhatsApp and noticed you made a little mistake with your words, or spelling or you have a different thought after posting them?

Solution Statement

To address these challenges and enhance WhatsApp's Written status posting experience by providing a feature that enables the user to make corrections after posting their written status.

## Problem Identification

As a UI/UX Designer with a passion for tackling new challenges and ensuring users have the best possible experience with a product, I encountered a situation on WhatsApp where I updated a written status, only to realize later that there was a mistake in my words. Unfortunately, I had to delete the post and make another with the correct words.

In similar situations, some users may hesitate to repost the correct information, leading to a potential loss of engaging thoughts. Recognizing this issue, I proactively sought feedback from users I had around me but I didn’t get enough data to back up if this was an issue most users encounter so I extended my research to the Google Play Store, where I discovered someone else had shared a similar concern. See Screenshot below

Screenshot source: Google Playstore## Benefit Of The Feature

  1. Express Individuality: Users aim to express their unique personalities, feelings, and experiences through the content they share in their WhatsApp statuses.

  2. Effective Communication: Users want to communicate their thoughts and updates clearly and effectively to their contacts, ensuring the intended message is conveyed.

  3. Error-Free Presentation: Users aspire to post statuses without spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, or inaccuracies, ensuring a polished and professional presentation.

  4. Prompt Error Recognition: Users desire the ability to quickly recognize and rectify errors or changes they wish to make in their WhatsApp statuses after posting.

  5. Flexibility in Editing: Users seek the flexibility to edit or modify their posted statuses, providing a way to refine or adjust their content as needed.

  6. Enhanced User Experience: Users expect a seamless and user-friendly experience when posting statuses, with intuitive features that contribute to an overall positive user experience.

  7. Privacy and Control: Users aim to have control over who can view their statuses, ensuring privacy and a sense of control over their online presence.

  8. Adaptability to Different Situations: Users want the ability to adapt their statuses to different contexts or moods, allowing for a versatile and dynamic expression of their thoughts

  9. Satisfaction with Features: Users express a desire for features that align with their posting preferences and contribute to their overall satisfaction with the WhatsApp status posting process.

  10. Community Engagement: Users may seek engagement and interactions from their contacts in response to their posted statuses, fostering community and connection.

How it Should Work

After a user creates a status post on WhatsApp, they are granted a 1 to 10-minute window during which they can make edits if necessary. However, once this interval elapses, further edits cannot be made

Just as the concepts that apply to the edit message feature.

Proposed UI

## Value Proposition: Business Solution

According to Statista, In June 2023, WhatsApp had approximately 2.78 billion unique active users worldwide, up by over 12 percent compared to the corresponding month in 2022. Link to Publication

According to Google Play store has 5B+ downloads with users actively engaging with this product. Here's the business growth metrics.

  1. Enhance User Engagement

    Benefit: The "Edit Status" feature is designed to boost user interactions and engagement within the application, offering a more dynamic and personalized messaging experience.

    Proposed User / Business Growth Metrics: Users should exhibit a 20% increase in daily interactions with the application, measured through the frequency of status updates and edits.

  2. Improve User Satisfaction

    Benefit: With the introduction of the "Edit Status" feature, the aim is to significantly elevate overall user satisfaction by providing a more flexible and user-friendly status posting experience.

    Proposed User / Business Growth Metrics: User satisfaction scores related to status posting should showcase a 15% improvement in post-implementation surveys.

  3. Increase User Retention

    Benefit: The "Edit Status" feature is expected to positively impact user retention rates by fostering a deeper connection with the application and encouraging long-term engagement.

    Proposed User / Business Growth Metrics: Achieve a 10% reduction in user churn rates within the first six months of implementing the feature.

  4. Strengthen Brand Loyalty

    Benefit: By empowering users with the ability to manage their statuses effectively, the "Edit Status" feature aims to reinforce brand loyalty and deepen the connection with the application.

    Proposed User / Business Growth Metrics: Users expressing satisfaction with the "Edit Status" feature should demonstrate at least a 15% increase in positive brand mentions on social media platforms.

    Note: The percentage metrics provided are hypothetical and intended for illustrative purposes. Actual metrics should be based on thorough user research and data analysis to ensure accurate measurement of the feature's impact.

Feedback after testing

imageUser 1 (A user from GDG Eket)

Really good and intriguing to read! Great presentation as well. My only question is why would I want people to know that I edited my status?

User 2 (Benita Rufus)

Great Design. Your UI is clean and sharp. The edit feature design is a great one but then I wouldn't want my audience to know my status was edited. Well done!

My Response:

Consider a situation where someone makes a negative remark about you on their status, and you have a screenshot. After some time, the user edits the comment, leaving no evidence of the edit. In such cases, it becomes your word against the user's. The edit time stamp serves as crucial proof to determine if the post has been tampered with. However, It’s best to have the edit timestamp since the post is going out to an audience


In conclusion, this case study has shed light on the challenges users face in the current WhatsApp status posting process, highlighting the frequency of mistakes and the limited post-submission editing options. Users' goals of expressing individuality, effective communication, and presenting error-free content have driven the exploration of solutions to enhance their overall experience

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