Wisdom Umanah
Summary of me

More about me

With over a year of hands-on experience in web2 and excited to explore web3 technologies, I possess a distinctive skill set enabling me to craft functional, user-friendly, and visually captivating products.

From the early days of my career in UI/UX design, I've been part of a diverse range of projects, from websites to mobile apps. My go-to tool, Figma, has been my trusty sidekick in translating ideas into visuals that pop.

My design philosophy revolves around close collaboration with cross-functional teams. We work together to figure out what a product needs and then, armed with high-fidelity wireframes, prototypes, and sleek visual designs, we bring it to life. I'm big on usability testing, making sure everything not only looks good but works even better.

Staying on the cutting edge is important to me. That's why I'm always on the lookout for the latest in web2 and web3 tech. I'm all about pushing the limits and finding new ways to use these technologies. Learning and growing are non-negotiables in my book.

In a nutshell, I'm not just someone who designs – I'm passionate about creating products that people love to use. My knack for both web2 and web3 tech makes me a valuable addition to any team, and my commitment to staying ahead of the curve keeps me excited about what's next.

When I'm not designing, I am either eating (I love exploring foods), meeting up with friends, going karaoke, and swimming.

Employment History

Create sites with AI