Wisdom Umanah
  • Project Duration: 3 Weeks

  • Project Category: E-commerce and Food Delivery

Project Aim

To provide a convenient and authentic online platform that connects users with the rich culinary heritage of Akwa Ibom by enabling them to effortlessly order and enjoy traditional Akwa Ibom soups, delivered to their doorstep anywhere in Nigeria.


Statement of Problem

Akwa Ibom has the highest number of local dishes (soups) in Nigeria. The vibrant flavors of Akwa Ibom soups have long been cherished. However, having a platform that focuses mainly on Akwa Ibom soups and providing access to these traditional dishes within and outside the region has been a challenge.

Solution Statement

To design an online platform that connects users across Nigeria with the authentic tastes of Akwa Ibom soups. however, promote Akwa Ibom's culinary heritage by offering a user-friendly website where customers can easily explore, order, and receive traditional soups, ensuring quality and reliability With a diverse menu, intuitive design, cultural insights, secure payments, and timely delivery.


Research Questions and Response


User Persona


Empathy Map






How It Works


UI Designs



In conclusion, addressing the challenge of showcasing and providing access to the rich variety of Akwa Ibom soups presents an exciting opportunity. By establishing a dedicated platform, we can not only celebrate the vibrant flavors cherished locally but also extend the reach of these traditional dishes beyond the region, fostering a greater appreciation and accessibility for enthusiasts both within and outside Akwa Ibom.

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